Enjoy the new daily life with "Japanese Hybrid Art" from Minami Aoyama, Tokyo, JAPAN

~ 真夏の宵に水を浴びるが如く、一服の茶を ~
In an evening of the midsummer, have one tea as if you take water shower.

白白庵 企画

夏の宵茶会 2024

行 雲 流 水

Minami-Aoyama PAKUPAKUAN presents :
Summer Night Tea Ceremony 2024
“KO-UN, RYU-SUI” - floating with the tide -


日時 7月20日(土)午後3時 ~ 8月4日(日)午後9時

DATE & TIME :  2024.7.20 Sat. 15:00  - 8.4 Sun. 21:00 (JST)




Clouds in the sky and water flowing in rivers are never in the same state.
“KO-UN, RYU-SUI” is a phrase that expresses the impermanence of the world.
There is no such thing as a smooth sailing life.
No matter how many obstacles and difficulties we face, we must always keep our minds focused on one place and not get attached to anything.
It would be nice if we could live like that, but in reality it is not so easy.

We are always so attached to our own greed, and we are always chasing after our dreams without ever being at peace.
It is precisely because we are such a human being that we should enjoy a bowl of tea as if we were bathing in water on a midsummer's evening.
Ah, even though we cannot be KO-UN (drifting clouds) or RYU-SUI (flowing water), we cannot let go of the romance of Chanoyu.

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【会場装花】Flower arrangement
山田  尚俊 YAMADA Shoshun (華道家|大和花道 家元) (YAMATO KADO)

石橋  圭吾 ISHIBASHI Keigo(白白庵)  (PAKUPAKUAN)