Enjoy the new daily life with "Japanese Hybrid Art" from Minami Aoyama, Tokyo, JAPAN

加藤渉 KATO Wataru

加藤 渉 KATO Wataru

和紙造形・照明作家 / 埼玉県在住

1985 埼玉県比企郡鳩山町生まれ。現在、同県東松山市に在住。
2008 竹材を使用した照明を作り始める
2009 パルプ造形家の故・大川修作氏に師事。





Modeling, Illumination artist / Resident in Saitama pref.

1985 Born in Hatoyama-machi, Hiki County, Saitama Prefecture
~Present Stays in Higashi-Matsuyama City, Saitama Prefecture
2008 Started to make lights made of bamboos
2009 Leaned under the late OHKAWA Shusaku (Pulp artist).
     Started to make artworks made of bamboos and traditional Japanese paper

Present Deploys energetic activities mostly by making lights, 
including decorations event spaces and local revitalization.